Friday, July 16, 2010

Drama drama drama.
The interenet is a place that can always provide it. Almost in excess.
I suppose it makes sense that all the strong willed and extraverted people fight for the most attention, or some asshole hides behind some fake mask thinking that they are better than everyone else. What I don't get is the need to make anyone who is different, or anyone who doesn't conform to one person's ideals, feel like complete and utter shit, to break them down and bully them. After all, it is bullying. Even from behind my computer screen, all the way accross the world I know that you are nothing more than a bitter bully right now.
What I hope is that the person you are so eager to tear down doesn't take it to heart, because they are worth so much more than your jaded words. No matter how different they are.
I hope one day you become the person you want to be, because right now, I really hope you are far from it. Right now to me, you seem like nothing more than a scared, jealous, and extremely pathetic douche. Oh and nothing more than a bully. No one ever likes a bully.
I don't know where this came from. Maybe it came from the fact that I have been bullied myself in the past, or maybe it came form the fact that I hate watching people who are smaller and most likely weaker than others getting picked on for no reason, or maybe because I hate it when people rip someone apart for being themselves.
We all have a voice and this is me using mine to voice my opinion. I don't care if you don't agree, it is after all my opinion for a reason.
I just wish some people would stop being so fucking pathetic.

cross posted.

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