It's amazing how quickly some people come and go from your life. Some important, some not. Some related by blood, others by memories. It all leaves a scar in some small way, no matter how important they seemed to be at the time.
She was never as close to me as she is now, but that is because she needed me and I was there. When she doesn't need me anymore, that's the day I won't be there.
He came into my life like a whirlwind, took me by surprise. He left as quickly as he came though, he never tried hard enough.
She was my side kick, then I left her in the dust. She wasn't willing to leave it all behind and I don't ever want to go back.
I used to see him every day, then we moved away. Now I can never see him again. It's like not being able to breathe. I still think about him way to often.
Sometimes I want to go back to when I didn't know anything but my own back yard.